Family Member Interviews
Capitalizing on the leadership capabilities and communication styles of each person, we use confidential one-on-one interviews to not only highlight the unique strengths, gifts, and talents of individuals, but to also create a panoramic view of the personality and character of the family as a whole. This process helps us and our clients to understand the various aspects of the family mosaic and the positive power of family dynamics.
Family Meetings
Creating a forum for family members to strengthen relationships, build trust, voice opinions, and resolve conflicts is essential for building a stronger family, and therefore, a stronger business. Sharing individual and family dreams, stories, history, beliefs, etc., lay the foundation for creating a shared set of principles and vision for building a great family and family enterprise.
Vision and Values
A clearly defined and well-articulated family vision gives purpose and adds excitement, meaning, and energy to the lives of all stakeholders. Our mission is to serve families by strengthening their ability to define their shared vision, values, and goals. In addition, we assist them in creating the processes, roles, and expectations for establishing the foundation for success.
Family Wealth Strategies
A family’s greatest wealth consists of much more than their financial assets. It consists of the human, intellectual, spiritual, and social capital, of which the creation of financial capital is the outcome. Our advisors work with families to accomplish their goals by implementing wealth strategies that have effective oversight and good collaboration with a team of other professional advisors.